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The Mission

We are dedicated to making IT and the IoT as simple and minimal as possible – hence the QUANTUM. In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Granted we are talking about computing services rather than qubits, but the idea is the same.

What do you expect from computing today? Consumers are becoming accustomed to not having to type anything on a keyboard or being limited to a single computer. Rather, today’s user expects tasks to just happen making life simpler. We expect the computer to provide help if and when we do not know we need it.

How do we get there? We must first change the way we think about solving the problem. Originally we would build systems which required explicit inputs and provided output(s) as an “answer”. Now we must build systems where the inputs could be implicit and the output non-existent. We arrive at the nirvana of automation by asking what we need to create so that the task “just happens.” Nobody tells the machine to do some work. Nobody takes the output of some system to apply to another task or system.

Our goal is to fundamentally change how we apply IT and IoT to solve the problems of tomorrow. At QUANTUMicity we have released ourselves of yesterday’s dogmatic IT solutions. We strive to go beyond the simple solution and create a new QUANTUM solution where the interaction between human and machine almost disappears.